Welcome to Preschool!
Our Approach
S.M.A.R.T. program stands for Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training. This program develops visual, auditory, balance, fine & gross motor readiness skills, all required skills essential for classroom and academic success.
Social emotional well being is important in any environment but especially for children who are learning how to interact with one another. When coming to our preschool we will use words like please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry, along with learning how we treat one another.

The Preschool Classroom
Our classroom is set up into centers with dramatic play, listening station, group, sensory, reading, large muscle, easel, art, & small manipulatives.
Our table activities will have Math, Science, Reading, & Language. This learning station will look more like games but at this age we learn through play.
The writing station will have play-doh, Legos, crayon wipeable boards, journals and some worksheets along with small books they make. This area will mostly be utilized in the afternoons.

A Typical Day
During large group time we will work on calendar, weather, sharing bag, numbers, letters, and shapes of the week. We will have theme topics during group along with singing, interactive movements and of course plenty of reading.
In their school day they will also have music, physical education, library, church and outside time when weather permits.