Physical Education

Hello Parents,
Welcome back for a new school year! I am beyond excited to be back here and continue on the journey God has laid out for me – teaching Physical Education!
I just wanted to send out a quick note about a couple of things for Phy. Ed. class this year.
- As a safety precaution, students are required to wear tennis shoes for Phy. Ed. class. We want to prevent as many foot and ankle injuries as possible! So, if your child does not wear tennis shoes to school in the morning, please have them bring a pair with them to change into for class every day. It is really best if they just wear tennis shoes to school! If your child does not have proper tennis shoes with them for a day, he/she will not be allowed to participate in class that day, which will cause him/her to lose their participation points for that day. He/she will also be required to sit and watch the class for the class period and write a short paragraph (a couple sentences for grades K-2) summary of what we did during class that day. They will then receive half the participation points for the day. Also, if your child forgets proper tennis shoes twice, the parent will be notified that they need to send a pair of tennis shoes for the student to keep here at school.
- Please have your child dress appropriately for the weather during their Phy Ed time. We are outside every day until it gets to be too cold out (unless it’s raining), and it can be a bit cooler in the morning than in the afternoon. This means they may want to have a sweatshirt with them to wear outside during the Fall/Spring mornings. They have to go out if we are outside, whether they are prepared or not, so it is better to have a sweatshirt and not need it than to need one and not have it!
- I WILL again, have a male and female Student of the Month for Phy Ed this year. I am looking for students who are following the rules of the gym without constant reminders from me and really putting their BEST effort into whatever we are doing at that time in Phy Ed, along with being a good teammate to the rest of the class! The Students of the Month will be announced during our daily announcements, on the first school day of the following month (for the previous month). This seems to work best for them to be able to come to my room and choose their prize. There will NOT be any Students of the Month for the month of August, since we only have four days of school in the month, but will start in September (which will be announced on October 2nd.)
Thank you in advance for your help with these two things – it is going to be a great year!
If you have any questions for me, feel free to send me an email at
Mrs. Leiding