Welcome to Kindergarten!
I grew up in St. James, MN. After graduating from high school, I attended and graduated from Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall, MN, with a degree in Early Childhood Education (birth-3rd grade) and a reading licensure (kindergarten-12th grade). I have taught preschool and kindergarten at a few different public schools in southern Minnesota before coming to SJV. During my spare time I enjoy reading, baking, listening to music, and shopping!

Our Approach
Your kindergartener at SJV will learn a lot! We also have a lot of fun! In math, we learn about numbers, measurement, shapes, time, money, and simple addition and subtraction. In reading, we review upper and lowercase letters along with letter sounds. We learn how to make predictions about our stories we are reading in class. We learn how to summarize our stories we are reading, the main idea, and comparing and contrasting. Besides whole group reading lessons, we also have small group reading lessons. We use Daily 5 as part of our small group reading lessons. In kindergarten we also learn many sight words and how to sound out new words. We also spend a lot of time learning about phonics and grammar. In kindergarten we also learn about social studies, science, and handwriting. We follow the D'Nealian handwriting series. In religion we learn about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary, Advent, Lent, Christmas, and Easter.
The kindergarteners have PE every day, music three times a week, and library and art once a week. Every week each kindergartener gets the opportunity to bring an item from home to share with their classmates. The kindergarteners get the opportunity to lead an Advent and Lenten prayer service and at the end of the school year, they get to lead one Mass. Besides everything we cover in kindergarten, your kindergartener will also get some playtime each day at the end of the day.
As being a part of SJV, your child will have many opportunities to bond with their classmates and other students at SJV throughout whole school activities and weekly Mass.
Please let me know if you have any questions.